
Miss Kwuney

Kwuney has been teaching with traditional dance approach in traditional school settings since 2013. In trying to think out of the box, she has started to collaborate with kindergartens, schools and charity organizations to incorporate dance curriculum and creative dance classes, not only limited to the ballet and jazz nature, but injected with teaching directions such as Exchange Programme (Exposure), Theme Camps/Workshops (Boost Creativity), Performances (Building Self-confidence), Competitions (Self-challenging), and International Examinations (Self-assessment with International Standard) that nurtures each dancer’s unique gift of talent, creativity and individuality.

The recent study time at the University of Hong Kong has inspired her about global education in all dimensions and lighten up her educational spirit. She has made the decision to take on further studies in 2018, to deepen her knowledge and borrow ideas of formal education in hope to apply it into the dance context. Her study major is about comparison, a fundamental tool for all forms of enquiry which could help herself in identifying factors that possibly contribute in shaping the education systems, processes and outcomes, to a healthier dance environment.

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Miss Li


翌年,以特別生身份於香港演藝學院修讀中國舞。已考獲英國皇家舞蹈學院(RAD)高級證書、澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會爵士舞、北京舞蹈學院中國舞和急救課程證書頒發之證書,亦鑽研各種舞種;如現代舞、土風舞和拉丁舞等,成績優異。曾與多位著名編舞家合作,如: 伍宇烈《有樣學樣板》、Graeme Collins《Chopin Suite》、Eriko Ochiai《關不住的女孩》。亦多次參與大型的演出和比賽如:在捷克舉行的Jazz Dance Open、跟隨香港芭蕾舞團演出的《睡美人》、香港舞蹈團演出的《共舞紀事》、夢幻之旅中國金獎雜技薈萃-薛菁華的《東方的天鵝.對手頂》、國泰航空新春國際匯演之夜的花車巡遊、香港藝術發展局主辦的校園藝術大使計劃2010-2011《I Believe》、仙樂飄飄處處聞、香港舞蹈博覽、香港芭蕾舞學會、亞洲國際青少年芭蕾舞大賽、紫荊盃國際舞蹈大賽、全港公開舞比賽等。



Miss Vivian

Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) with the degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance, major in Ballet.

She has done many dance works with the Academy, such as <<ON THE THRESHOLD>> & << FRAGMENTED DIALOGUE>>, choreographed by Mr. Graeme Collins, former Head of Ballet of the HKAPA; <<EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNT FROM THE PROPAGANDA BALLETS>>, choreographed by Yuri Ng etc. She has been invited numerously as guest performer at Four Seasons Hotel, Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel etc. She has also performed with The Hong Kong Ballet as a children dancer in <<Nutcracker>>, The Hong Kong Ballet's outreach program <<Making Dances 2006 -07>>, <<Star of Tomorrow 2004~2006>> held by Jean M Wong School of Ballet & Hong Kong Dance Festival <<NEW MILLRNIUM DANCE (2006)>>. She was awarded with the “Outstanding Student” in the young dancer training scheme “Making Dances 2006 -07” organized by Hong Kong Ballet’s outreach program. Funding from the Hong Kong Bank Foundation, Liu was awarded the HKSAR/Mainland Exchange Scholarship in 2011. In July, she has taken part in "I Believe" ballet performance organized by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.


Miss Heather

Heather has recently completed a year dancing professionally in Europe. Touring and performing neoclassical, classical and contemporary works around Switzerland and Germany with the Cinevox Junior Company. She graduated from Joffrey Ballet School in New York City where she studied Vaganova, Balanchine, Cunningham, Dance Methodology, Luigi Jazz and much more with a generous scholarship. Heather guested and performed extensively around New York City and Washington DC for Les Ballets de l'Opera Chinois de New York, New York Huaxing Art Troupe, Brighton Ballet, Diversity of Dance, and the United States Secretary of Finance's Wedding.

Prior to dancing professionally, Heather studied and completed the RAD examinations with Le Studio Ballet and Southern School of Dance. While completing her examinations with distinction, she performed with Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, Hong Kong Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, UNESCO, and Hong Kong Ballet Group.

Heather is currently teaching as a freelancer in numerous dance schools in Hong Kong, speaking in both English and Mandarin. Coaching is a real passion of hers and she specifically studied dance education to enhance my classes. She has over 5 years of teaching experience and is open to all ages. It is one of her favourite experiences to share her joy, creativity and love for dance.

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Miss Olivia

從3歲開始學習芭蕾舞,每年有報考英國皇家舞蹈學院芭蕾舞等級考試,現正準備報考Advanced 2 。11歲開始學習藝術體操,曾多次前往加拿大、日本、韓國參加各種大型藝術體操國際比賽。

Baby Queena Cup 國際藝術體操比賽 -絲帶冠軍 球冠軍 棒冠軍 徒手冠軍 個人全能冠軍

全港校際藝術體操比賽 - 絲帶冠軍 球冠軍 棒冠軍 徒手冠軍 個人全能冠軍

第49屆全港公開舞蹈大賽 - 芭蕾舞獨舞 銅獎

女皇杯—香港藝術體操及美學體操國際邀請賽 - 球操殿軍 絲帶季軍 棒操亞軍 個人全能季軍

烏克蘭藝術體操網上國際比賽 - 絲帶冠軍

加拿大網上藝術體操國際邀請賽 - 絲帶冠軍

Miss Mavis

Currently a part time dancer, dance dancer and yoga teacher. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honors) Degree in Dance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), majoring in Chinese Dance and dance education. She now is grade 1-5 instructor in the Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Grading Examination. She is minor in western folk dance and yoga who finishing 200-Hour Yoga Teaching Training in 2020, and Yoga Wheel Teacher Training in 2021.

In Chinese dance, she performs “Red Fan” choreographed by Xing Liang in 2019, “Yellow Earth Yellow River” choreographed by Jiang Hua-xuan and “When the PiPa stops” choreographed by Pei Chang-qing in 2018. She represented HKAPA to perform “Ways to Lhasa” in Beijing and Macau. In Western folk dance, she performed Kalotaszegi, Myjava, Szatmári, Moldova and Mezőségi in <Home Coming Show>, and “Szilágysági táncok “choreographed by Fred Yeung, in <A 65 éves Vadrózsák Néptáncegyüttes jubileumi műsora>, in Budapest.

After graduation, she was participating in Hong Kong Dance Company dance drama “Mazu the Sea Goddess” directed and choreographed by National First Class Artist Yan Hongxia in 2020.